Planning Services

District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) Program

One of SRPEDD's primary funding sources, District Local Technical Assistance provides communities an opportunity to tap into the agency's various planning services, usually at no cost to the municipality.

Featured Projects

Slade's Ferry Neighborhood Plan

Regional Resilience Plan

2023-2024 Priority Areas Update

Route 140 Corridor and Neighborhood Study

Other DLTA-Funded Work

Community Master Plans

Master Plans provide guidance for public policy and decision-making in a variety of areas, including land use, economic development, housing, services and facilities, and natural resources. They are also an opportunity for community members to discuss priorities, reach a consensus on goals, and identify strategies to achieve those goals.

Open Space and Recreation Plans

SRPEDD is frequently a lead partner in the development of community Open Space and Recreation Plans, the seven-year documents that communicate local visions and values for improving open space and recreation areas for all residents, users, and ecological functions. These plans open the door to potential grant funding for project implementation. They also spark conversations about conservation, well-loved places, and community resilience.

Economic Development Plans

SRPEDD facilitates public-private partnerships that benefit communities, workers, businesses, and the whole of southeastern Massachusetts. SRPEDD undertakes a wide variety of activities in partnership with local jurisdictions, business and academic communities, and the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA).

Housing Production Plans

A Housing Production Plan is a community’s proactive strategy for planning and developing affordable housing. It’s developed with opportunities for residents and stakeholders to become informed of the planning process and the plan, and to provide input. HPPs assist communities to plan for low- and moderate-income residents by providing a diverse housing supply.