Partnerships and Priorities for DLTA
Since 2009, Massachusetts has funded the District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) program to enable communities to complete a wide variety of planning projects in partnership with regional planning agencies (RPAs). Working with the Commonwealth and cities and towns across the region, SRPEDD selects and implements eligible DLTA projects. We emphasize projects that meet the program’s goals, have a high likelihood of creating more public and private investment, and have matching resources that enable work to span multiple years, to include more in-depth analysis, and to create positive outcomes for communities in our region.
About DLTA in 2025
In 2025, SRPEDD will once again respond to the needs of our communities by Planning Ahead for Growth and Planning Ahead for Housing. This includes support for the Housing Choice Initiative and assistance for cities and towns as they meet the Commonwealth's Section 3A Multi-Family Zoning Requirements for MBTA communities.
SRPEDD will also continue to use DLTA resources to directly support the Community Compact Cabinet's Best Practices Program. This program allows communities and the Commonwealth to agree on areas of shared interest (called “Best Practices”). RPAs are in a natural position to provide expert technical assistance to meet these goals and to work in partnership with the Commonwealth and the communities we serve.
Every year, SRPEDD also uses DLTA to fund important region-wide initiatives and to advance equity and community development throughout southeastern Massachusetts. Please check out our 2024 DLTA Award Summary and our Featured Projects for examples of DLTA-funded work!