
Regional Transportation Planning

Regional Transportation Planning relies on a collaborative effort of all 27 communities of the Southeastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization (SMMPO)

SRPEDD acts as technical and support staff to the SMMPO and to the Joint Transportation Planning Group (JTPG), the advisory committee to the SMMPO and the forum for public involvement for all transportation related issues.  

Regional Transportation Planning involves a multitude of tasks, but most importantly: the development of a 25-year long-range Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for the southeastern Massachusetts region; the planning and programming, through the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), of all modes of transportation including, public transit, highways, freight, bicycle and pedestrians; the administration of a scope of planning activities and work tasks included in the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP); the management of the Public Participation Program (PPP)  including the principles of Environmental Justice and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act; and technical assistance and related planning studies and projects deemed necessary to address transportation issues in the area, for our cities and towns and for the region's two transit authorities, GATRA and SRTA.