SRPEDD has a long and proven track record of working with communities to develop or update Housing Production Plans (HPPs).
HPPs are a community's proactive strategy for planning and developing affordable housing for its residents under M.G.L. Chapter 40B. These important plans are developed in partnership with local officials and community members. By taking a proactive approach to housing production, towns are much more likely to achieve both their housing and community planning goals, while also gaining more control over the 40B process.
A Housing Production Plan consists of a comprehensive housing needs assessment, a set of affordable housing goals, and accompanying implementation strategies. The comprehensive housing needs assessment is an analysis of the community’s demographics and housing stock, the community’s future population and housing needs, as well as identification of development constraints (barriers) and limitations that may hinder the development of affordable housing. This analysis, in conjunction with community conversation and guidance, informs the creation of a set of affordable housing goals.
Affordable housing goals address the housing needs of the community and provide for a range of housing types, including rental and homeownership for families, individuals, persons with special needs, and seniors.
Lastly, a set of implementation strategies describe how the community will achieve its housing production goals, as well as provide a timeframe/schedule for achieving the goals identified.