Welcome to the Fourth Mattapoisett Master Plan Virtual Workshop
Virtual Workshop #4 for the Mattapoisett Master Plan will focus on natural and cultural resources, as well as services and facilities in town. We'll also explore these - and all Master Plan topics - through the lens of climate change and resiliency.
How do I participate?
The workshop will feature one live event to be held via Zoom from 6:30 - 8:30 PM on Wednesday, March 16, 2022 where residents and stakeholders will learn about the online activities below, discuss the topics at hand, and ask any questions. After the Zoom event, you can complete any and all interactive exercises at your on pace and at your convenience! The activities will be live for four weeks.
Who should participate?
Any resident, business owner, or official in Mattapoisett! We'd especially encourage Master Plan Committee members and Planning Board members to take part in the activities here.
What's this Master Plan all about anyway?
Good question! Please see our project's frequently asked questions (FAQs) below. You can also visit the main project web page at www.srpedd.org/Mattapoisett-Master-Plan.