Transportation Infrastructure
Safety Management
Making transportation safer for all modes, regardless of age, ability or social/economic backgrounds.
Safety is our highest priority and at the core of all our work at SRPEDD.
We believe that every person in every community within our region deserves to get around safely, regardless of how they travel. Many transportation related crashes, injuries and deaths are preventable, and we commit ourselves to working with our member communities to eliminate as many of those incidents in our region as possible.
At the regional level, we use data driven methods to identify problem areas along our regions roadways and to come up with innovative solutions to address those problems while keeping the specific needs of our communities in mind.
At the local level, we are also available to help assess safety concerns in your community through our community technical assistance program. We can help your community to:
- Conduct Road & Intersection Safety Audits to address problems like lane departure crashes & red light running
- Implement traffic calming strategies into existing and newly developed plans
- Aide with access management and ADA compliance
- Assist with assessing safety needs of the most at-risk and vulnerable populations in your community
- Help determine appropriate traffic control device implementation
- Connecting your community leaders with available state and federal resources
- Assess and improve the resiliency of your community’s transportation system
Contact Information
Lisa Estrela-Pedro
Transportation Planning Managers
Jackie Jones
Assistant Director of Transportation Planning
Austin Horowitz
Safe Streets and Roads for All Project Coordinator
Top 100 Most Dangerous Intersections
Top 100 Most Dangerous Intersections
SRPEDD regularly compiles crash data to determine the most dangerous intersections, corridors, highway interchanges, rotaries, etc. in southeastern Massachusetts. This information is the basis for our safety planning efforts between Regional Transportation Plan updates and is an important tool in initiating and prioritizing projects for inclusion in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). A detailed review of crash types (fatalities, pedestrian, bicycle, and lane departure) was conducted to determine locations with a high frequency of specific crash types. The latest version can be found in our 2024 Regional Transportation Plan: Moving Forward 2050 or by viewing the map below.
Road Safety Audits
SRPEDD has a long history of working with our communities to address issues through Road Safety Audits. Road Safety Audits are defined as "the formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team. It qualitatively estimates and reports on potential road safety issues and identifies opportunities for improvements in safety for all road users. More information on Road Safety Audits can be found here. A comprehensive database of Road Safety Audits in Massachusetts can be found here.
Land Departure RSA Tucker Road, Dartmouth
In 2009 SRPEDD conducted 11 RSAs on corridors throughout the region. The Tucker Road corridor was chosen due to the fact there were a total of 18 injury or fatal crashes from 2003-2006. 37 crash reports were collected for accidents characterized as lane departure collisions. This report identified safety needs and measures that can be used to address these concerns.
Land Departure RSA Main Street, Acushnet
In 2007 SRPEDD and the University of Massachusetts Traffic Safety Research Program conducted a Land Departure RSA for Main St, which is a major corridor in Acushnet. The analysis identified areas of concern and potentials hazards. The report recommended several low-cost and short term measures that can be implemented to improve safety for this corridor.