Regional Corridor Study Projects

Route 6 Corridor Study

Project Background

At the request of the towns of Fairhaven, Mattapoisett, Marion, Wareham, and MassDOT District 5, the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) is embarking on a study of the Route 6 corridor due to safety concerns expressed by community officials, residents, and from Massachusetts state representatives. This study will examine the current traffic conditions, intersection operations, bicycle, pedestrian, and public transportation facilities, land uses, and overall safety of the Route 6 corridor from Route 240 in Fairhaven to High Street in Wareham. In addition, the study will include potential future improvements for the corridor based on data analyses, stakeholder input, and comments or suggestions provided by the public.

This webpage will be your source for all information about the Corridor Study, ways to participate, and notices of upcoming workshops or events. We will keep this site updated as the planning process progresses so please plan on checking back in with us! Scroll down to see information about News, Elements of the Corridor Study, the Interactive Map Gallery, and the Document Library.



SRPEDD is pleased to announce that the Southeastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization (SMMPO) officially approved the Route 6 Corridor Study on March 27, 2020!

SRPEDD would like to thank all who participated in the development of this study and provided helpful commentary along the way!

The FULL REPORT (71MB) can be found HERE.
Just the MAIN TEXT (3MB) can be found HERE.

The Appendix can be found here:

Appendix A (Outreach Program), Appendix B (Survey Results)
Appendix C (Comment Cards), Appendix D (21-Day Comment Period Comments)
Appendix E (Phase 1 Exercise Summary), Appendix F (Phase 2 Exercise Summary)
Appendix G (Crash Summaries), Appendix H (Level-of-Service), Appendix I (Traffic Data)

Route 6 CS Public Mtg Future Conditions 121219

Public Meetings: Future Conditions (PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE)

SRPEDD is pleased to announce that the Future Conditions Public Meetings are scheduled!

These two meetings will provide the public with the opportunity to review the future conditions analysis and to provide comments about the potential improvement alternatives for the Route 6 corridor.

Please note that two meetings were scheduled to provide multiple opportunities to participate and will feature the same information. So please come to the meeting that best fits your schedule!

It's not too late! Fill out a Route 6 Corridor Study Comment Card or fill out a Public Survey.

Public meeting presentation is available here.

Click on either image below and download a copy of the Preference Survey. Circle sections of Route 6 and write which Alternative you think is best for that area. Simply mark the sections of Route 6 (by circling them) where you feel a certain Alternative would be most appropriate. If you want Route 6 to remain the same, you can simply just write that on the map. Also, if you want to "tweak" an Alternative (for example, you like Alternative #4 but you only want the sidepath on one side of the road), you can write that on the map as well. Make sure you send it to SRPEDD so it can be included in the public record! COMMENT DEADLINE IS JANUARY 24, 2020.

Project Recap is Released - Looking Forward to Phase 2

SRPEDD invites you to review the Route 6 Corridor Study Recap. This document summarizes the Phase 1 and Phase 2 work, displays the current improvement alternatives and highlights upcoming events.

In the near term, SRPEDD will be rolling out the summary of work that advanced the Phase 2 analysis (analyzing land use and zoning along the corridor, projecting traffic growth, developing improvement alternatives and testing scenarios with our traffic modeling software), discussing the improvement alternatives, taking your comments and ideas and wrapping it all up in a final report.

The intent of this phase of the study is to balance the desires of a safer and more inviting roadway with the need to serve the existing and future vehicle use. A challenging task!

Tell us what you think! Fill out a Route 6 Corridor Study Comment Card or fill out a Public Survey.

A meeting notice for Route 6 Corridor Study Public Meetings for Existing Conditions

Public Meetings: Existing Conditions

SRPEDD is pleased to announce that the Existing Conditions Public Meetings were very successful!

These two meetings provided the public with the opportunity to review the existing data and analysis (existing traffic volumes, intersection operations, crash analysis, bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities, land uses, etc.) and to provide comments about the future of the Route 6 corridor.

Please note that two meetings were scheduled to provide multiple opportunities to participate and featured the same information.

Tell us what you think! Fill out a Route 6 Corridor Study Comment Card or fill out a Public Survey.

Drive the Route 6 Corridor with us!

This short video provides the driver perspective and highlights the study area intersections. Have you ever had issues at certain intersections? Tell us about it by filling out a comment card!

Project survey is live!

The Route 6 Corridor Study public survey is now available in four languages (English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Hatian Creole)! Please take a moment to fill one out!

For more information, please review this website and/or contact Jacqueline L. Jones, AICP at 508-824-1367 ext. 230 or

Elements of the Corridor Study

The Route 6 Corridor Study includes the following elements:

1. Existing Conditions: This component describes the current traffic conditions, intersection operations, crash history, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, environmental resources, and land uses.
2. Future Conditions: In this section, the community describes its future land use patterns, including proposed locations for various activities such as residences, businesses, and recreation (all types of development that would increase the number of motorized and non-motorized trips on the corridor). Once that has been identified, SRPEDD staff will prepare future scenarios (growth without improvements and growth with improvements).
3. Improvements: This part of the study involves developing projects that would improve the existing and/or future issues identified in the previous sections.

Interactive Maps

The interactive map below provides background information for the Route 6 Corridor Study.

Document Library

The following documents provide background for the Route 6 Corridor Study. Please click on a link and be sure to follow the instructions should the file be large.

Existing Conditions Public Meeting

  • Meeting Presentation

Opportunities to Participate

  • Comment Card
  • Public Survey - English Version
  • Public Survey - Spanish Version
  • Public Survey - Portuguese Version
  • Public Survey - Haitian Creole Version

Project Maps

  • Functional Classification
  • Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Transit
  • Habitats
  • Water Resources
  • Open Space
  • PDA/PPA Areas
  • Fairhaven Land Use
  • Fairhaven Zoning
  • Mattapoisett Land Use
  • Mattapoisett Zoning
  • Marion Land Use
  • Marion Zoning
  • Wareham Land Use
  • Wareham Zoning

Plans and Reports


  • Fairhaven Master Plan (2018)
  • Fairhaven Open Space and Recreation Plan (coming soon)
  • Fairhaven Priority Areas Plan (2013)
  • Fairhaven Zoning Bylaws (2014)
  • Mattapoisett Master Plan (2000)
  • Mattapoisett Open Space and Recreation Plan (coming soon)
  • Mattapoisett Priority Areas Plan (2013)
  • Mattapoisett Zoning Bylaws (2018)
  • Marion Master Plan (2017)
  • Marion Open Space and Recreation Plan (coming soon)
  • Marion Priority Areas Plan (2013)
  • Marion Zoning Bylaws (2018)
  • Wareham Master Plan Vision (2018)
  • Wareham Open Space and Recreation Plan (coming soon)
  • Wareham Priority Areas Plan (2013)
  • Wareham Zoning Bylaws (2018)