Project Background
In 2016, SRPEDD received a formal request from former Mayor Kevin Dumas (2003-2017) of the city of Attleboro to study the congestion and safety issues on Route 1 in Attleborough from the intersections of Highland Avenue & Newport Avenue (Route 123) and Route 1A north to the I-295 Interchange which is located in the town of North Attleborough. Any improvements on the Route 1 Corridor are the responsibility of MassDOT, as is the decision to proceed with any project. The study began at the close of 2017 with a public outreach plan and the start of the process of the collection of data (traffic counts, crash reports, levels of service, etc.) to determine the locations and the extent of both safety and congestion issues currently along the corridor. However, communities may prioritize necessary improvements as a wish list of separate projects and may initiate and expedite the process by contributing toward the initial cost of design. Any improvements on the Route 1 Corridor are the responsibility of MassDOT, as is the decision to proceed with any project.
However, communities may prioritize necessary improvements as a wish list of separate projects and may initiate and expedite the process by contributing toward the initial cost of design. These efforts must be coordinated with MassDOT. Improvements along the corridor are eligible for construction funds through the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Funding for such projects would be 80% from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and 20% from MassDOT, provided that the project meets state, federal, and local design requirements. As always, SRPEDD staff is willing and available to assist communities in these efforts.