Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning

Regional Pedestrian Plan

In 2024, SRPEDD is updating the Regional Pedestrian Plan

The Regional Pedestrian Plan describes the current pedestrian needs in Southeastern Massachusetts and creates a future vision and strategy for achieving more walkable communities and neighborhoods in the region. By improving communities' sidewalks, trails, and shared use path networks, enhancing transit and bike infrastructure, and allowing for more mixed-use walkable developments, communities can create thriving neighborhoods that meet residents daily health and transportation needs with a reduced reliance on private vehicles.


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To submit a public comment on the plan, email with "Pedestrian Plan Comment" in the subject line.

2019 Regional Pedestrian Plan

The 27 communities that make up the SRPEDD region vary widely when it comes to walking conditions, from wide open rural areas with no pedestrian facilities, to small towns with intermittent sidewalks and/or compact town centers, to cities with vast sidewalk networks.

Created in 2018 and updated in 2019, the Regional Pedestrian Plan hopes to drive the expansion and upgrade of pedestrian facilities that will allow and encourage trips by walking and will safely link important destinations to the areas where people live. This plan describes the current pedestrian needs in southeastern Massachusetts and provides a strategy for achieving a walkable south coast.

Population statistical data shows that almost everyone can benefit from improved pedestrian infrastructure and connectivity, especially traditionally underserved population groups and neighborhoods, older adults and transit users. Providing the public with safe infrastructure will not only enhance walking for existing users, but will attract new users.

Major recommendations from the plan include improving existing infrastructure, implementing pedestrian infrastructure in high priority areas, improving connectivity to transit and other modes, implementing traffic calming and new safety technology and encouraging or requiring future development to be pedestrian friendly as much as possible, either through the review process or by improving guidelines, policies and regulations.

Community Resources

Interested in a more walkable community?

SRPEDD can help! SRPEDD is available to assist communities with a variety of pedestrian related infrastructure and policy planning needs through our Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Program and through our Community Technical Assistance Program. Please contact our Bicycle and Pedestrian planning staff for more information.

Contact Information

Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning
Jon Gray, Senior Bicycle & Pedestrian Planner
(508) 824-1367 ext. 238