
SRPEDD Evacuation Route Plan

We are working closely with our regional partners to regionalize evacuation routes, taking into account the diverse needs of our municipalities.

SRPEDD is working with our local, regional and statewide partners to develop a Regional Evacuation Route Plan.

This plan will take the significant work our municipal partners have done within their own borders and regionalize it to allow for shared resources and mitigation of potential obstacles. The plan will include maps of regional evacuation routes, best practices and resources for our communities, and recommended action steps to improve communication and egress in the event of an emergency

Currently we are in the data collection phase, which involves working with our partners to determine what is currently in place and what is needed. If you have information that might be helpful in the development of the plan or if you have a question about this effort please contact Kevin Ham at


Vulnerability Assessment

Phase 1 of the Evacuation Route Study identified vulnerable locations. We are seeking inclusion of these projects on the MassDOT Resilience Improvement Plan to qualify them for additional funding. If you have any comments on the list below, please provide them by January 13, 2024 by email to or by calling 508-824-1367 x230


Useful Resources

Hurricane Preparedness Handout


Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency

Disaster Preparedness Information from

Individual Town Links:

Wareham Residents Emergency Preparedness