Special Studies
SRPEDD conducts a variety of “Special Studies” that are unique when compared to the types of studies SRPEDD conducts annually. Special Studies assess a variety of community needs including public transit and parking issues, as well as environmental impacts of transportation related projects. Below you will find several examples of SRPEDD's Special Studies.
As-Built Analysis
Taunton: County Street at Hart Street As-Built Analysis
The FHWA provides Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) funding to states to mitigate the negative impacts of traffic congestion on air quality. The County Street at Hart Street intersection in Taunton was a recipient of CMAQ funding. In September 2021, SRPEDD finalized an As-Built Study focused on improvements made at the intersection and aimed to evaluate emissions reductions and examine preliminary safety improvements.
Westport, Dartmouth, and New Bedford: SCBA Feasibility Study
Currently, the South Coast Bikeway Alliance and the communities of Westport, Dartmouth, and New Bedford are working with SRPEDD to conduct a Feasibility Study. The Feasibility Study is gathering public input to determine the path for the South Coast Bikeway. Visit the SCBA Feasibility Study Webpage to view the online activities and different ways to get your voice heard!
Trip Generation Impact Analysis
Carver: Potential Trip Generation Impact from Spring Street Development
In December 2013, the SRPEDD Transportation Planning staff reviewed the build out analysis completed by the SRPEDD Comprehensive Planning Staff. Transportation staff estimated the potential trips generated with the development of property located on Spring Street, south of U.S. Route 44 in Carver. This development includes as gasoline service station with a convenience store of approximately 11,400 square feet, and an additional 60,000 square feet for Office Space/Business Park. The analysis included study of existing traffic conditions to then be compared to the potential traffic from the Spring Street Development.
Emergency Response Analysis
Seekonk Emergency Response Analysis
The travel demand model software in TransCAD is a powerful tool that is able to preform a wide variety of analyses. For example, in April 2015, this software enabled us to analyze the emergency response time from two different proposed location of a new emergency response center in Seekonk. This analysis can be used to pick the more effective location. This information is crucial to better serve and protect the community. As well as being important information for city officials, first-responders, and the citizens of Seekonk as they plan for their future.
SRTA: Somerset and Swansea Survey
At the time of the study, May 2014, Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) operated four suburban shuttles. Suburban shuttles had the lowest ridership of all SRTA fixed routes and cost the most to operate. SRPEDD compiled ridership data and performance measures for the Somerset and Swansea shuttle. To compare the effectiveness of these route, Somerset and Swansea shuttle data was compared to the average of the whole SRTA system.
Click here to view the SRTA Somerset and Swansea Shuttle Survey Results