The Southeastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization (SMMPO) is responsible for conducting the federally required metropolitan transportation planning process for the 27 communities that comprise Southeastern Massachusetts.
This planning process is often called the 3C process because it is continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive. The SMMPO uses this process to develop a vision for transportation in the region and to decide how to allocate federal and state transportation funds to transportation programs and projects that improve roadway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure. The vision established by the SMMPO is integral to each of the certification documents that the MPO is required to produce: the Regional Transportation Plan, Transportation Improvement Program, and Unified Planning Work Program.
Cooperatively selecting transportation programs and projects for funding the main role of the SMMPO. The 13 SMMPO members, shown below, are comprised of Mayors, state agencies, regional entities, and municipalities. The SMMPO holds elections every summer for the four municipal seats. The SRPEDD Commission, comprised of voting members from each of the 27 communities in the region, votes to elect these members. For a brief summary of the SMMPO and its responsibilities, click here.