Regional Transportation Planning

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

Programming federal transportation funding for the SRPEDD Region.

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is a five-year programming document that lists all the needs of the regional transportation system.  The TIP is developed annually and is subject to amendment and adjustment at any time.  Each program year of the TIP coincides with the Federal Fiscal Year, October 1 through September 30.

All projects are identified by fiscal year and federal funding category and include cost.  The total cost of the projects programmed in the TIP must be constrained to available funding, be consistent with the long-range Regional Transportation Plan, and include an annual element, or listing, of projects to be advertised for construction in the first year of the TIP.


The TIP Funding Guide is intended as a practical handbook for communities in the procedures that must be followed in order to get a roadway, intersection or enhancement project included in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), therefore securing the funding necessary to complete the project. To initiate a project, the first step is to submit a Project Need to MassDOT. This is accomplished through the MaPIT process.

MaPIT is MassDOT’s comprehensive project screening tool for TIP and other projects. MaPIT allows a project’s proponent, working with the MassDOT District 5 Office and SRPEDD’s staff, to define a project’s scope, costs, timeline, impacts and responsibilities. The system is intended to provide a user-friendly, web-based environment for populating Project Need and Project Scope Forms, and also for completing local aid applications for the Chapter 90, Complete Streets, Small Bridge and Safe Routes to School Funding Programs. MaPIT provides links to assist with finding necessary information, and it will also identify any necessary permitting that is required. The TIP Funding Guide offers step-by-step instructions to the MaPIT process.

TIP Development Process

The TIP is developed annually by the SRPEDD Transportation Planning staff, acting as staff to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for southeastern Massachusetts in consultation with federal, state and local officials, adjacent MPO’s, the state of Rhode Island, transit authorities and the public. Regional priorities for projects are established by the Joint Transportation Planning Group (JTPG), which acts as the transportation policy advisory group to the MPO, and is a forum for public participation for transportation planning in the region.

Development of the TIP constitutes the selection of projects to be included in the five- year programming element of the TIP. The SMMPO staff identifies potential projects for inclusion based on readiness from both the existing out year projects and the Supplemental Project List.

Once potential projects are identified, the SMMPO's staff contacts each project proponent to obtain a project schedule, which is required for programming in the SMMPO TIP, and specific detailed information (relevant to the scope of work) to assist in the prioritization process. Projects are then evaluated through the SMMPO's Evaluation Criteria, which scores the project based on regionally prioritized criterias and takes into consideration their impact on meeting performance targets.

TIP Timeline vertical-01

Public Participation

The SMMPO has a documented participation plan that defines a process for providing individuals and other groups involved in transportation, including public agencies, providers of transportation, users of public transportation and other interested parties involved in transportation a reasonable opportunity to be involved in the metropolitan transportation planning process.

Project Prioritization

All projects included in the TIP have been evaluated and assigned a priority value or score through the SMMPO's Evaluation Criteria Process. This process is used as a management tool to identify projects of regional priority and program them accordingly in the TIP.


SRPEDD staff works closely with Local Community Highway / Public Works officials and staff, Community Boards of Selectmen, Planning Boards and Community Planners, Mayors and Town Mangers, Economic Development personnel, the MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning and MassDOT District 5 staff on all phases of projects and project development.

SRPEDD staff has and continues to work with MassDOT District 5 and Office of Transportation Planning, the National Park Service (NPS), Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA), MassTrails, Mass in Motion Fall River, Mass in Motion New Bedford, Mass in Motion Taunton, Southcoast Bikeway Alliance, Taunton River Trail , Taunton River Stewardship Council, and East Coast Greenway on Bicycle/Trail Planning.

TIP Development Workshop

From the TIP List to the Bid List: The ins and outs of the Transportation Improvement Program

Have a project that needs funding? Curious about the process? Check out the recording from our workshop!

Flyer displaying information for a TIP Workshop December 14, 2023 at 9am at MassDOT District 5 Training Room 1000 County Street Taunton MA

Environmental Justice & Title VI Interactive Map

View SRPEDD's interactive map to locate Environmental Justice (EJ) and Title VI populations and households with no access to a vehicle in SRPEDD's 27 Southeastern MA communities. Use this map to locate your project site and determine whether it will impact any nearby EJ and Title VI populations, including minority, low-income, Limited English Proficient, disability, older adults, and households with no vehicle available.

If your TIP project is near census block groups or tracts where the EJ and/or Title VI population percentage exceeds SRPEDD's regional average, targeted outreach activities with these EJ and/or Title VI populations is strongly recommended.
