Regional Corridor Study Projects

Westport & Dartmouth Route 6 Corridor Study

Project Background

At the request of the towns of Westport & Dartmouth, the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) studied the Route 6 corridor based on safety concerns expressed by community officials, residents, and from Massachusetts state representatives. This study examined the current traffic conditions, intersection operations, bicycle, pedestrian, and public transportation facilities, land uses, and overall safety of the Route 6 corridor from the Fall River city line (Westport) to the intersection of Cross Road (Dartmouth). In addition, the study will include potential future improvements for the corridor based on data analyses, stakeholder input, and comments or suggestions provided by the public.

Map showing the Westport Dartmouth Route 6 Study Area

Elements of the Corridor Study

The Westport & Dartmouth Route 6 Corridor Study will include the following elements:

1. Existing Conditions: This component describes the current traffic conditions, intersection operations, crash history, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, environmental resources, and land uses.
2. Future Conditions: In this section, the community describes its future land use patterns, including proposed locations for various activities such as residences, businesses, and recreation (all types of development that would increase the number of motorized and non-motorized trips on the corridor). Once that has been identified, SRPEDD staff will prepare future scenarios (growth without improvements and growth with improvements).
3. Improvements: This part of the study involves developing projects that would improve the existing and/or future issues identified in the previous sections.

Existing Conditions

Public Workshops:

During these workshops an overview of current conditions along the corridor was presented and we collected public input about what values and goals residents and officials have for the corridor. Two workshops were held, one in Dartmouth covering Route 6 from the Westport/Dartmouth town line to Cross Road in Dartmouth and one in Westport covering Route 6 from the Westport/Fall River town line to the Westport/Dartmouth town line. Recordings from the workshops are linked below.


Past Public Meetings

Dartmouth Public Workshop - Thursday 10/21/21 @ 6:30PM
Phase 1: Dartmouth Workshop #1 Video

Westport & Dartmouth Public Workshop - Wed. 11/17/21 @ 6:30PM
Phase 1: Westport & Dartmouth Workshop #3 Video

Westport Public Workshop - Tuesday 10/26/21 @ 6:30PM
Phase 1: Westport Workshop #1 Video

Interactive Maps

Below is an interactive map gallery for the Westport - Dartmouth Route 6 Corridor Study. Take a look through the maps and click around on them for more information. Printable versions of the maps are located below in the Document Library.