Complete Streets

Middleborough Complete Streets

Welcome to the Middleborough Complete Streets Home Page

The town of Middleborough is participating in the MassDOT Complete Streets Funding Program to make Complete Streets a part of daily practice. Through the 2019 Municipal Assistance program, SRPEDD assisted the town with the development and adoption of a Complete Streets Policy that directs all town departments to consider Complete Streets design elements in all projects and phases going forward. Then, with technical assistance funding from the MassDOT Complete Streets Funding Program, SRPEDD helped the town develop a Complete Streets Prioritization Plan (list of projects) that will ultimately be used to apply for funding from MassDOT to begin the construction of projects on the plan.

Additional information about the MassDOT Complete Streets Funding Program and all project presentations, information, and resources can be found in the document library of this webpage.

Latest News

Final Prioritization Plan Completed

The town's final Prioritization Plan is complete.

What are Complete Streets?

What are Complete Streets?

Complete Streets are roadways that safely and comfortably accommodate all users, regardless of age and ability or mode of transportation. Users include, but are not limited to: motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, motorists, emergency responders, transit and school bus riders, delivery and service personnel, and freight haulers. Complete Streets components can include roadway design features such as ADA compliant sidewalks and crossings, curb extensions, bicycle lanes, shared use pavement markings, bus shelters and pull-outs, wayfinding signage, landscaping, street lighting, and many other items.

For more information, please review our project pages and/or contact Jackie Jones at 508-824-1367 or

MassDOT Complete Streets Funding Program

The MassDOT Complete Streets Funding Program was launched in February 2016 to provide technical assistance and construction funding to communities that demonstrate a commitment to include Complete Streets in policy and practice. In short, a community may be eligible for up to $400,000 in construction funding to implement Complete Streets elements in municipal projects and up to $35,000 in technical assistance funding in order to develop a plan to do so. The program is divided into three (3) “tiers” and a municipality must satisfy the requirements of the previous tier in order to advance through the program.


Tier 1 - Training & Policy Adoption

  • Attendance at either an "Introductory" or "Advanced" Complete Streets Training (must be a municipal official/employee)
  • Development and local adoption of a Complete Streets policy. Followed by submission to MassDOT for approval.

Tier 2 - Prioritization Plan Development

  • Determination of Complete Streets needs and development of a prioritized list of infrastructure projects. Technical assistance available (up to $35,000 to develop the plan).

Tier 3 - Project Construction Funding

  • Application for construction funding to implement the Complete Streets infrastructure projects on the Prioritization Plan.

Participate and Stay Involved

Public Input Map

Tell us where there are issues and/or where improvements may be helpful! Simply click on the map below and type in your comments!

In the event you have trouble seeing the map, click here.

Document Library

Tier 2 Materials

  • Kick-Off Meeting Presentation (May 8, 2019)
  • Existing Conditions Evaluation Presentation (October 8, 2019)

MassDOT Complete Streets Funding Program

Middleborough Complete Streets Program

  • Middleborough Complete Streets Policy
  • Middleborough Complete Streets Information Board
  • Middleborough Complete Streets Project Comment Card

Project Maps

  • Middleborough Sidewalk Conditions
  • Middleborough Utility Pole Locations
  • Middleborough Land Use
  • Middleborough Roadway Network by Jurisdiction
  • Middleborough Roadway Network by Functional Classification
  • Middleborough Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Transit Network
  • Middleborough Community Priority Areas