Regional Resilience Plan
SRRP Working Group Portal
Enviro Working Group - Sept 25, 2023 Meeting Materials
1. Meeting Focus
SRPEDD staff want to ensure that we are using the best available data as we put together the SRPEDD Regional Resilience Plan. A key plan deliverable is also to elevate current best datasets to municipalities and stakeholders, matching datasets with best application and use. The second working group meeting will focus on a discussion of the existing strengths and weaknesses in our current resilience data ecosystem.
3. Miro Board Workspace
SRPEDD has put together an interactive Miro board for Working Group members to explore and comment on in advance of the next meeting. The board has one frame for each environmental volume theme (e.g. flooding, extreme heat, etc.). For each theme, SRPEDD staff have input our best understanding of current datasets and specialized reports for our region. Please comment on as many boards for which you have contributions or expertise (for example, if your expertise is in water quality, it's ok to skip over the local food board.)
2. Pre-Meeting / Post-Meeting Exercise
SRPEDD would appreciate your review of our current knowledge of existing resilience-related datasets. In our daily work and in research for preparation of the resilience plan, we are familiar with a range of datasets. Does our understanding match your subject matter expertise? Are there core datasets, studies or reports that you use in your work or that your agency has developed that we are missing? The pre-meeting exercise is meant to answer this key question.
This is a preview of the Miro Board
For instructions on how to access and add sticky note comments, see item 4. "Working in Miro" below.
4. Miro Board Workspace
Follow these three steps to access the board workspace and leave comments, guided by the images below:
- Click this board guest link and make a free Miro account when prompted (or login if you have one already).
- Once in the workspace, navigate to "present" by "frames" (see the red dots in the first image below)
- Once in presentation mode, you can navigate through each frame, leaving sticky notes where you would like to leave a comment (see the red dot in the second image below)