Contact: Lisa Estrela-Pedro at for more info.
SRPEDD Announces a 21-day Public Comment Period and Virtual Public Meeting on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 4:00 pm to hear comments on the release of Amendment #1 of the FFY2025-2029 TIP that includes a Swansea project cost increase and addition of a New Bedford project.
January 21, 2025 – The FFY2025-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Southeastern Massachusetts is being amended in FFY2025 to program a cost increase and a new project. Project #608759 for traffic signal and safety improvements at three intersections on Swansea’s Route 6 will have a cost increase of $3,092,506, from $12,663,827 to $15,756,333 due to the extension of project limits (~400’), updated unit prices and higher utility relocation costs. Work on this project consists of intersection improvements at the following three intersections: Route 6/Route 118 (Swansea Mall Drive), Route 6/Maple Avenue, and Route 6/Route 136 (Market Street). Work includes traffic signal upgrades, geometric improvements, improved bicycle and pedestrian accessibility, signs, pavement markings, and/or geometric modifications. The intent of the project is to address safety at these three high crash locations. The FFY2025-2029 TIP will also program Project S13168 in FFY2025 which will include two demonstration projects in the city of New Bedford funded by a Safe Streets for All Discretionary grant of $237,266.
The TIP is the programming document listing all federally funded road and bridge projects in the region and all transit projects for both the Greater Attleboro and Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA) and the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) over five years. Each year, the Southeastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization (SMMPO) decides how to allocate about $26 million in federal funding for the region, which supplements state and local transportation infrastructure investments in Southeastern Massachusetts. The SMMPO conducts the federally required metropolitan transportation planning process for 27 Southeastern Massachusetts communities and is one of Massachusetts’ thirteen Metropolitan Planning Organizations.
All of this work helps support the region’s 27 communities toward building a safer, and more equitable, connected, reliable, and resilient transportation system for all mode users.
A virtual public meeting on the proposed amendment will be held on Thursday, February 6, 2025, at 4:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend, ask questions and offer comments, but attendance is not necessary to offer input or comment. More options to offer comments can be found below.
The meeting will be conducted through the ZOOM app. This link provides the information to allow participants to connect to the meeting through a computer, smart phone or regular telephone:
To register for the public meeting visit:
Meeting ID: 814 7544 8552
Meeting Password: 420223
Proposed FFY25-29 TIP Amendment #1 will have a 21-day public comment period and will be endorsed at the next SMMPO meeting which is scheduled for February 18th. For more information about the proposed amendment, visit SRPEDD’s website at the following link: FFY2025-2029 TIP Amendment #1.
Comments are encouraged and may be offered by a variety of methods including: via e-mail at; our website at; our Facebook page at or Twitter @SRPEDD_NEWS at https://
The SMMPO, through SRPEDD, provides reasonable accommodations, including language assistance and/or auxiliary aids and services free of charge, upon request and as available. For accommodation or language assistance, please contact SRPEDD’s Title VI Coordinator by phone (508 824-1367), dial 711 to use MassRelay, or by email at Requests should be made as soon as possible prior to the meeting.
Contact: Lisa Estrela-Pedro at for more info.
SRPEDD Announces a 21-day Public Comment Period and Virtual Public Meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 4:00 pm to hear comments on proposed Amendment #8 of the FFY2024-2028 TIP that includes funding for public transportation vehicles, cost changes for GATRA and SRTA projects, addition of a Fairhaven Steamship Authority project, and cost increase for Taunton Route 138 project.
June 18, 2024 – The FFY2024-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Southeastern Massachusetts is being amended to include funding for public transportation vehicles, cost changes for GATRA and SRTA projects, addition of a Fairhaven Steamship Authority project, and cost increase for Taunton’s Broadway Route 138 Project 608753. Several programs and municipalities in the Southeastern MA region were awarded funding from the state’s Community Transit Grant Program in May 2024 to purchase vehicles for public transportation needs. They include The City of Fall River, Town of Dartmouth, Family Service Association of Greater Fall River, M.O.L.I.F.E, Inc, Town of Rochester, the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) and Greater Attleboro and Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA). New Bedford’s Steamship Authority Project S12999 SSA totaling $1,482,563, will be programmed in year 2024 of the FFY24-28 TIP for the purchase of support vehicles and equipment for the Fairhaven Maintenance Department. Taunton’s Corridor Improvements and Related Work on Broadway (Route 138) Project 608753 from Purchase Street to Jackson Street Phase 2 will have a $4.9 million cost increase due to the increasing costs of materials.
The TIP is the programming document listing all federally funded road and bridge projects in the region and all transit projects for both the Greater Attleboro and Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA) and the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) over five years. Each year, the Southeastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization (SMMPO) decides how to allocate about $26 million in federal funding for the region, which supplements state and local transportation infrastructure investments in Southeastern Massachusetts. The SMMPO conducts the federally required metropolitan transportation planning process for 27 Southeastern Massachusetts communities and is one of Massachusetts’ thirteen Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Its work helps support the region’s 27 communities toward building a safer, and more equitable, connected, reliable, and resilient transportation system for all mode users.
A virtual public meeting on the proposed amendment will be held on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at 4:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend, ask questions and offer comments, but attendance is not necessary to offer input or comment. More options to offer comments can be found below.
The meeting will be conducted through the ZOOM app. This link provides the information to allow participants to connect to the meeting through a computer, smart phone or regular telephone:
The direct link to the public meeting is:
Draft FFY2024-28 TIP Amendment #8 will have a 21-day public comment period and will be endorsed at the next SMMPO meeting which is scheduled for July 16th. For more information about the proposed amendment, visit SRPEDD’s website at the following link: FFY2024-2028 TIP Amendment #8.
Comments are encouraged and may be offered by a variety of methods including: via e-mail at; our website at; our Facebook page at or Twitter @SRPEDD_NEWS at https://
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Contact: Lisa Estrela-Pedro at for more info.
SRPEDD Announces a 21-day Public Comment Period and Virtual Public Meeting on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 4:00 pm to hear comments on the release of the Draft FFY2025-2029 Transportation Improvement Program and Amendment #6 of the FFY2024-2028 TIP that includes a project cost increase.
April 17, 2024 – The Draft FFY2025-2029 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Southeastern Massachusetts is being released to a 21-day public comment period. The TIP is the programming document listing all federally funded road and bridge projects in the region and all transit projects for both the Greater Attleboro and Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA) and the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA) over five years. Each year, the Southeastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization (SMMPO) decides how to allocate about $26 million in regional target funding, which supplements state and local transportation infrastructure investments in Southeastern Massachusetts. Several of the 17 regional target funded-projects in this five-year period were shifted to be programmed for construction in a later year due to delays in design plan readiness and/or cost increases. Westport’s 177 at Tickle Road/Roberts Road roundabout project was the only one of these projects to shift to an earlier year. A large portion of the Taunton River Rail Trail –a proposed 22+ mile continuous network of offroad multi-use paths and on- road bike lanes that will connect Taunton, Dighton, and Somerset along the Taunton River— was previously programmed with regional target funds for FFY2029 and is now being programmed with MassDOT’s statewide funds for FFY2028. This frees up some regional funds for another project in that year.
Additionally, the FFY2024-2028 TIP is being amended due to a cost increase and change in project description. Project 605311 in Marion and Wareham, programmed for construction in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2024 will increase in cost from $40,969,390 to $49,958,261. This project is a bridge replacement in Marion and Wareham on Route 6 at Marion Road and Wareham Road over the Weweantic River. The project description changed to correct the road name from Wareham Street to Marion Road/Wareham Road.
A virtual public meeting on this amendment will be held remotely on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 4:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend, ask questions and offer comments, but attendance is not necessary to offer input or comment. More options to offer comments can be found below.
The meeting will be conducted through the ZOOM app. This link provides the information to allow participants to connect to the meeting through a computer, smart phone or regular telephone:
The direct link to the public meeting:
The Draft FFY25-29 TIP and FFY24-28 TIP Amendment #6 will have a 21-day public comment period and will be endorsed at the next SMMPO meeting which is scheduled for May 21st. More detailed information on the Draft FFY2025-2029 TIP and FFY2024-28 TIP Amendment #6 can be found on SRPEDD’s website at the following links: Draft FFY2025-2029 TIP and FFY2024-2028 TIP Amendment #6.
Comments are encouraged and may be offered by a variety of methods including: via e-mail at; our website at; our Facebook page at; or Twitter @SRPEDD_NEWS at
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Contact: Lisa Estrela-Pedro at for more info.
SRPEDD Announces a 14-day Public Comment Period and Virtual Public Meeting on Thursday, February 29, 2024, at 4:00 pm to hear comments on the release of Amendment #4 of the FFY2024-2028 TIP which includes a project cost increase for Fairhaven’s Leroy Wood Elementary School improvements.
February 21, 2024 – The FFY2024-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Southeastern Massachusetts is being amended due to a project cost increase. Safe Routes to School Project 609518 for Leroy Wood Elementary School Improvements in Fairhaven will increase in cost from $1,516,087 to $2,659,175 in 2024. Cost increases are due to the relocation of Verizon and Eversource utilities. The TIP is the programming document listing all federally funded road and bridge projects in the region and all transit projects for both the Greater Attleboro and Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA) and the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA).
A virtual public meeting on this amendment will be held remotely on Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 4:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend, ask questions and offer comments, but attendance is not necessary to offer input or comment. More options to offer comments can be found below.
The meeting will be conducted through the ZOOM app. This link provides the information to allow participants to connect to the meeting through a computer, smart phone or regular telephone:
The direct link to the public meeting:
This amendment will have a 14-day public comment period and automatic endorsement on March 5th if no negative comments are received. More detailed information on Amendment #4 can be found on SRPEDD’s website at the following link: FFY2024-2028 TIP Amendment #4.
Comments are encouraged and may be offered by a variety of methods including: via e-mail at; our website at; our Facebook page at; or Twitter @SRPEDD_NEWS at
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Contact: Lisa Estrela-Pedro at for more info.
SRPEDD Announces a 21-day Public Comment Period and Virtual Public Meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at 4:00 pm to hear comments on the release of Amendment #3 of the FFY2024-2028 TIP that includes project cost adjustments and inclusion of new projects.
January 17, 2024 – The FFY2024-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Southeastern Massachusetts is being amended due to project cost adjustments and inclusion of new projects. The Transit element of Amendment #3 (Part A) in FFY2024 includes the addition of four Community Transit Grant awards as well as cost and project changes for GATRA. The Community Access to Rides program, MedWheels, Town of North Attleborough, and TPP received Community Transit Grant funding to provide transportation options for seniors and other vulnerable residents who are unable to use other transit options to access critically needed services.
The Highway element (Part B of Amendment #3) in FFY2024 includes a cost reduction for Project 608049 in Fall River, Corridor Improvements on Route 79/Davol Street. It also includes a cost increase for Project 606527 in New Bedford, Superstructure Replacement, I-195 (EB & WB) Ramp C & F over ST 18, County Street, State Street, Mass Coastal Railroad, Purchase Street, Weld Street, and replacing I-195 (EB) Ramp F over Weld Street – which yields funding changes (reductions and inclusion) across FFYs 2024 through 2026. In addition, Project S12880 (Part C of Amendment #3), Airport Bus Service from the Mansfield MBTA Station to Logan Airport, is being proposed for inclusion in FFY2024 of the TIP with flexing of regional Congestion Mitigation Air Quality target funds to the Federal Transit Administration.
A virtual public meeting on this amendment will be held remotely on Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 4:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend, ask questions and offer comments, but attendance is not necessary to offer input or comment. More options to offer comments can be found below.
The meeting will be conducted through the ZOOM app. This link provides the information to allow participants to connect to the meeting through a computer, smart phone or regular telephone:
The direct link to the public meeting:
This amendment will become final at the next SMMPO meeting which is scheduled for February 20, 2024. More detailed information on all the components of Amendment #3 can be found on SRPEDD’s website at at the following links: FFY2024-2028 TIP Amendment #3 A, FFY2024-2028 TIP Amendment #3 B, FFY2024-2028 TIP Amendment #3 C.
Comments are encouraged and may be offered by a variety of methods including: via e-mail at; our website at; our Facebook page at; or Twitter @SRPEDD_NEWS at
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Contact: Lisa Estrela-Pedro at for more info.
SRPEDD Announces a 21-day Public Comment Period and Virtual Public Meeting on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at 4:00 pm to hear comments on the release of Amendment #2 of the FFY2024-2028 TIP that includes a project cost decrease and inclusion of a new project.
December 19, 2023 – The FFY2024-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for Southeastern Massachusetts is being amended due to a project cost decrease and inclusion of a new project. Project 13194, which funds guide and traffic sign replacement on a section of Interstate 495 from Wareham to Raynham, will decrease in cost from $8,023,070 to $6,066,394 due to adjusted project limit, change in materials and adjustments in unit prices. Additionally, District 5 Project 613142 will now be included in the FFY2024-2028 TIP. It funds ITS roadway equipment for highway operations for the towns of Dartmouth, Lakeville, Middleborough, New Bedford, North Attleborough, Norton, Swansea, and Taunton.
A virtual public meeting on this amendment will be held remotely on Tuesday, January 9, 2023 at 4:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend, ask questions and offer comments, but attendance is not necessary to offer input or comment. More options to offer comments can be found below.
The meeting will be conducted through the ZOOM app. This link provides the information to allow participants to connect to the meeting through a computer, smart phone or regular telephone:
The direct link to the public meeting:
This amendment will become final at the next SMMPO meeting which is scheduled for January 16, 2023. The proposed amendment can be found on SRPEDD’s website at for review.
Page link here: FFY2024-2028 TIP Amendment #2
Comments are encouraged and may be offered by a variety of methods including: via e-mail at; via our website at; our Facebook page at; or Twitter @SRPEDD_NEWS at
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From the TIP List to the Bid List: The ins and outs of the Transportation Improvement Program
Have a transportation project that needs funding? Curious about the process? Join us on Thursday, December 14th at the MassDOT District 5 Training Room for an informative workshop on developing projects for the Transportation Improvement Program. Registration is strongly encouraged.
Register here
Contact Lisa Estrela-Pedro at for more info.
SRPEDD Announces a 21‐day Public Comment Period and a Remote Public Meeting to hear comments on the release of Amendment #1 of the FFY2024-2028 TIP which will program New Bedford’s federal RAISE Grant into the document and FFY2024 UPWP Amendment #1 which will incorporate a contract with GATRA.
October 17, 2023 – Southeastern Massachusetts’ FFY2024-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is being amended to include a federal RAISE grant of $1.7 million awarded to the City of New Bedford in FFY2024. This planning grant will support the design, permitting, and ongoing public outreach for New Bedford’s Blue Lane Working Waterfront Connector Project. The region’s FFY2024 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) is also being amended to include an extended contract and scope of services with the Greater Attleboro and Taunton Regional Transit Authority (GATRA). The TIP is the programming document listing all federally funded road and bridge projects in the region and all transit projects for both GATRA and the Southeastern Regional Transit Authority (SRTA). The UPWP identifies all of the transportation planning activities to be undertaken by the Southeastern Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization (SMMPO) in the SRPEDD region over the next federal fiscal year, from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024. Planning activities include transportation studies, data collection, technical assistance to communities and other projects.
A public meeting to hear comments on the amendments will be held remotely on Monday, November 13 at 4:00 PM via Zoom. Everyone is welcome to attend, ask questions and offer comments. This link provides the information to allow participants to connect to the meeting through a computer, smart phone or regular telephone. This is the direct link to the meeting:
These amendments will become final on November 21, 2023 at the next SMMPO meeting. The proposed amendments can be found on SRPEDD’s website at for review. Page links here: FFY2024-2028 TIP Amendment #1 and FFY2024 UPWP Amendment #1.
Comments are encouraged and may be offered by a variety of methods including:
via e-mail at; via our website at; our Facebook page at; or Twitter @SRPEDD_NEWS at
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The meeting will be held on ZOOM.
The agenda, meeting minutes, and other materials are attached for your review. At this meeting the SMMPO is voting on releasing both the Regional Transportation Plan and Regional Bicycle Plan to a 21-day public comment period, in addition to voting on endorsement of FFY23-27 TIP Proposed Amendment #5. SMMPO members please make your best effort to attend as we need a quorum to release these major plans. Links to the draft plans are now in the attached agenda and on the SRPEDD website.
SMMPO members: Please respond to the invitation if you plan on attending the meeting so we can plan for a quorum. If you are unable to attend, you may send a designee to the meeting who is directly responsible and accountable to you. The designee may vote only with written and signed authorization from the SMMPO member provided before or at the time of the meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
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The SMMPO, through SRPEDD, provides reasonable accommodations, including language assistance and/or auxiliary aids and services free of charge, upon request and as available. For accommodation or language assistance, please contact SRPEDD’s Title VI Coordinator by phone (508 824-1367), dial 711 to use MassRelay, or by email at Requests should be made as soon as possible prior to the meeting.
Posted on August 2, 2023 at 2:48 PM.
Post edited on August 8, 2023 at 5:54 PM.
Contact: Lisa Estrela-Pedro at for more info.
SRPEDD Announces a minimum 21-day Public Comment Period and a Virtual Public Meeting on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 4:00 pm to hear comments on the release of Amendment #4 of the FFY2023-2027 TIP that includes FFY2023 highway and transit cost changes and grants awarded for vehicles through the Community Transit Grant Program.
June 20, 2023 – The FFY2023-2027 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) is being amended due to cost increases and changes and grants awarded for vehicles through the Community Transit Grant Program in FFY2023.
A virtual public meeting on this amendment will be held remotely on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 4:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to attend, ask questions and offer comments, but attendance is not necessary to offer input or comment. More options to offer comments can be found below.
The meeting will be conducted through the ZOOM app. This link provides the information to allow participants to connect to the meeting through a computer, smart phone or regular telephone.
The direct link to the public meeting:
This amendment will become final at the next SMMPO meeting which is scheduled for July 18, 2023. The proposed amendments can be found on SRPEDD’s website at for review.
Page link here: FFY2023-2027 TIP Amendment #4
Comments are encouraged and may be offered by a variety of methods including: via e-mail at; via our website at; our Facebook page at; or Twitter @SRPEDD_NEWS at
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