Intro RE runoff
The Geographic Roadway Runoff Inventory Program (GRRIP) is a pilot project funded by the Federal Highway Administration and Massachusetts Highway Department to inventory and assess roadway drainage systems in environmentally sensitive areas on federally eligible roadways. Project staff seek to use the information generated in assistance to the Highway Departments of SRPEDD’s municipal members to comply with Stormwater Regulations and MEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Planning Program.
A major project component involves the mapping of municipal drainage systems and the area of towns that are most vulnerable to roadway runoff. Additional mapping of both structural and non-structural stormwater facilities can reveal a point source of pollution and its effect on watershed health.
GRRIP efforts have had several phases:
- GRRIP I: Considered the amount of impervious land use in each town of analysis and estimated correspondent non-point source pollution loads in pounds of nitrogen, phosphorus, and suspended solids.
- GRRIP II: Expanded the number of towns analyzed.
- GRRIP V: Created a manual describing the GRRIP program and its layered method for Physical Site Inventory of Mapped Drainage Systems.
- GRRIP VI: Taunton River Watershed Pilot Project that presented a plan for integrating biodiversity and infrastructure considerations to prioritize transportation projects.
All communities in the SRPEDD region are involved in this project.