
Open Space Residential Design Regional Review

Does Open Space Residential Design (OSRD) development happen in your community? SRPEDD is launching a study to find out and to understand more about the use of this alternative development model throughout our region.

Regional OSRD Findings

Findings to Date

While the study is still ongoing through June 30, 2024, a review of all 27 of our communities’ bylaws reveals that nearly 75% of communities in the region do have some type of OSRD-related bylaw; however, communities are seeing varying degrees of OSRD bylaw utilization.

SRPEDD met with municipal staff in communities that do and do not allow OSRD, as well as local developers and engineers, to understand the common challenges to accomplishing OSRD development and learn what is and isn’t helping to advance this smart growth development strategy. In the coming year, we will be synthesizing all that we have learned into a best practices resource for communities looking to update or adopt OSRD bylaws. We will also be assisting the Towns of Dighton and Mansfield in the update of their OSRD bylaws.

OSRD Project Spreadsheet Pic

Community OSRD Findings

More details and community examples coming soon


OSRD Bylaw Case Studies

Coming Soon: Dighton


Coming Soon: Middleborough