Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Planning

Westport MVP Plan 2.0

SRPEDD is working with the town of Westport and their Core Team in their MVP 2.0 Process

What is MVP

Equity Centered Vulnerability & Needs Assessment


Click here to view the Current Westport MVP Plan

The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness grant program (MVP) provides support for cities and towns in Massachusetts to build resilience to climate change. Communities who complete the MVP Planning program (MVP1.0) become certified as an MVP community and are eligible for future funding to complete resilience projects. Since 2017, nearly every Massachusetts municipality has participated in MVP1.0.

Starting in 2023, communities have the opportunity to participate in the updated MVP 2.0 program, which centers equitable community engagement in the MVP Plan update process. MVP 2.0 builds on the work communities have done to date, fills gaps from the MVP 1.0 process, and supports communities with new training, tools, and resources for engaging community members in building resilience.

The MVP program is run by the Massachusetts Office of Environmental Affairs (EEA). See the MVP website for more details.

How to Participate

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Timeline of the MVP2.0 Process, steps outlined from Feb 2024 to Jan 2025
