Community Master Plans

Rochester Master Plan

Welcome to the Rochester Master Plan! This web page is your home base for all things related to the Master Plan. Please explore all the background information, data, maps, drawings, and other content - and be sure to check back regularly for new information and online and in-person events.

Latest News: Topic Area Surveys!

We invite you to contribute to the Master Plan by participating in a series of concise surveys, each focused on a specific topic area. These surveys provide background information, incorporate community feedback, and present draft goals. Your input is essential to ensure the Master Plan is comprehensive and community-driven.

Access the Topic Area Surveys:

Land Use


Economic Development

Transportation & Connectivity

Open Space & Recreation

Natural & Cultural Resources

Services & Facilities

Your participation will help shape the future of your community. Thank you for your valuable input!

Survey Results 2023
Thank you to all who participated in the 2023 comprehensive survey! View this presentation to learn more about what residents had to say!

Welcome to the Rochester Master Plan!

Rochester is creating a Master Plan that will help guide the town moving forward. To complete this work, town officials need to hear from you - Rochester residents, business owners, and workforce members. Your input is the essential ingredient – combined with current, accurate data – that builds your community Master Plan!

What is a Master Plan?

A Comprehensive Plan - also known as a "Master Plan" in Massachusetts General Law - can be many things. It is a narrative that tells the story of Rochester’s history and the experience of living in town today. It is a technical document that considers population, market, and land use changes in order to understand where we are now - and to chart a course for tomorrow. It is a policy document that lays out a consensus vision for Rochester and articulates the strategies and actions that will help the town meet its goals. In short, it is a long-range plan that helps guide the town, that builds trust by making transparent decisions, and that bases those decisions on accurate information and public input.  For more detail, please see "Elements of a Master Plan" (below) or these examples from nearby towns.

What is the final document like?

The final document will show the nine required elements for the master plan. Each of these will be supported by data, images, maps, and most importantly, your input. This document will be an easy to use guide for the town to steer towards the completion of discovered action items, manage growth, and preserve the character of Rochester.

Project Roles

The Town is working with Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) to develop its next community Master Plan. SRPEDD is a public, non-profit agency that serves 27 communities in southeastern MA. The project will take place from January 2023 to roughly September 2024. Our role is to facilitate a proactive and transparent civic engagement process that gathers and integrates your views on community needs and aspirations.

Steering Committee

The Town of Rochester has formed a steering committee to oversee the Master Plan process. Committee members represent an array of expertise including invaluable community knowledge that will guide the direction of the plan. This committee meets regularly to review new findings and hear from the public.

Committee Members

Land Use: Arnie Johnson and John DeMaggio

Economic Development: Brad Morse

Historic and Land Trust: Matthew Monteiro

Services and Facilities: Andrew Daniel

Transportation: Jeff Eldridge

Natural and Cultural Resources: Jordan Latham

Open Space and Recreation: Mike Gifford

A wood shingled building with a white sign out front. Text on sign says "Town Hall, Annex, Board of Health, Building Dept, Conservation, Planning"

Join the discussion: Workshops and Online Activities

Rochester COA Day
Rochester COA Day
Rochester COA Day

Interactive Map Gallery

Photos and Videos

We want to see your pictures of your favorite places in town! Send photos of your favorite parks, farms, and views to to have them featured on the site and in master plan promotional materials.

Frequently Asked Questions

The State of Massachusetts requires that all cities and towns create and update a Master Plan every 10 years. (Rochester’s last Master Plan, from 2009, is therefore in need of a full update.) More importantly, the Master Planning process is a meaningful opportunity for you to come together as a community, to reassess your goals and priorities, and to set a course to achieve those goals over the next several years. Master Plans frequently result in bylaw changes, participating in new state or federal programs, coordinated grant applications and infrastructure investments, updated and more efficient administration, and increased volunteerism, service, and stewardship in a community.