Why Plan for Open Space & Recreation?
Open Space and Recreation areas are some of our most loved, utilized, and iconic community spaces. Maybe it's the town pool where we learned to swim, the wooded trail where we got to know a new tree, or the playground where we spent family time, these places hold a special place in our personal and community fabrics.
Additionally, there is growing appreciation for the value of key specialized open spaces, such as wetlands and forests, in combating climate change impacts like extreme heat, flooding, and water quality challenges.
SRPEDD is frequently a lead partner in the development of community Open Space & Recreation Plans, the seven-year documents that communicate local visions and values for improving open space and recreation areas for all residents, users, and ecological functions. Since Carver's last plan was in 2015, the seven-year cycle is nearing its send. SRPEDD is assisting the Town of Carver in creating its 2022 - 2029 Open Space & Recreation Plan by centering the voices and perspectives of Town residents, helping to make this your plan.
These plans open the door to potential grant funding for project implementation, but are equally important for the community conversations and involvement that SRPEDD helps to facilitate as part of plan development.
Project Documents
Carver has had a number of previous planning efforts, including open space plans from 2004 - 2015. Learn more about the previous OSRPs by visiting the Town of Carver's Website here