Welcome to the Raynham Master Plan Project Page!
In the fall of 2019, the Town of Raynham began creating a new Master Plan that will help guide the town moving forward. To complete this work, we need to hear from you - Raynham residents, business owners, and workforce members. Your input is the essential ingredient – combined with current, accurate data – that builds Raynham’s Master Plan!
What is a Master Plan?
A Master Plan is a narrative document describing the story of Raynham’s history and the experience of living in town today. It is a policy document that lays out an optimal vision for Raynham and articulates the strategies, actions, and decisions that will assist the town in arriving at that future. In short, it is a long-range plan that helps guide the town, that builds trust by making transparent decisions, and that bases those decisions on accurate information and public input.