Please join us to learn about Brownfields funding, technical resources, and opportunities for teaming and networking. Please register here!
9:00AM Registration and light refreshments
9:30AM Welcome – Michele Paul, City of New Bedford
Speakers, followed by 30-min Q&A:
• David Foss, MassDEP
• Jim Byrne & Will Lariviere, EPA
• Dottie Fulginiti, MassDevelopment
• Marisa Chrysochoou & Katie Malgioglio, UConn TAB
• Danica Belknap, SRPEDD
• Tracey Costa, Verdantas
• Climate change tools and resources
12:00PM Networking, speaker meet-and-greet
12:30PM Conclusion – Michele Paul
Please join us on Monday, May 13th, from 5:30 – 7:00pm at the Mansfield Public Library (255 Hope St) for the final public workshop on the Mansfield Open Space and Recreation Plan. This workshop will be open house style, with a brief presentation at 6:00pm that goes over the key public engagement findings and the identified action items of the plan.