Community Master Plans

Acushnet Master Plan

Welcome to the Acushnet Master Plan Project Page!

Scroll down to explore background information related to creating a vision for Acushnet's future - be sure to check back regularly for new information and online and in-person events!

Welcome to the Acushnet Master Plan!

The Town of Acushnet is updating its Master Plan - a local policy guide designed to help towns make planning decisions for many years. A newcomer should be able to read a Master Plan and understand a given community’s values and priorities at that time. A lot has changed since Acushnet's Master Plan was last updated and your input will be the essential ingredient – combined with current, accurate data – that will build the Acushnet Master Plan!

What is a Master Plan?

A Master Plan - also known as a 'comprehensive' plan or 'community master plan' can be many things:
  • A narrative that tells the story of Acushnet's history and the experience of living in town today.
  • A technical document that considers population, market, and land use changes to chart where we are now a course for tomorrow.
  • A policy document that lays out a consensus vision for Acushnet and articulates the strategies and actions that will help the town meet its goals.

In short, it is a long-range plan that helps guide the town, builds trust by making transparent decisions, and bases those decisions on accurate information and public input.  For more details, please see FAQ or visit our Community Master Plan Page for more information.

Join the Discussion

Upcoming Events

Acushnet Master Plan Transportation, Services and Facilities Deep Dive
February 13 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tabling at Dunkin’
February 15 @ 9:30 am - 2:00 pm
Acushnet Master Plan Water Resources Deep Dive
March 13 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

January Discovery Workshop

Explore the boards from the Discovery Master Plan Open House hosted on January 29th!

Water Resource Management Deep Dive

OSRP: Natural & Cultural Resources Deep Dive

OSRP: Open Space & Recreation Deep Dive

Interactive Map Series


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Master Plan - For Middleborough

Document Library


Elements of a Master Plan

According to Massachusetts General Law, a Master Plan has nine required "elements" (or "chapters"). We post drafts of each element here as they are created, and welcome comments on any section.
  1. The Statement of Goals and Policies sets out Acushnet's vision for the future. It presents community values, goals, and land use objectives that will meet these goals.
  2. The Land Use Element describes Acushnet's current and future land use patterns, including proposed locations for various types of activity, such as residences, businesses, and recreation, and the preferred relative intensity of development across the town’s diverse built landscapes.
  3. The Housing Element creates a plan to meet the town's housing needs, which are identified using demographic and market information.
  4. The Economic Development Element identifies strategies for growing the town's economy by building upon local strengths and bringing new and compatible opportunities to Acushnet.
  5. The Natural and Cultural Resources Element is an opportunity for Acushnet to highlight and take stock of its natural, cultural, and historic resources.
  6. The Open Space and Recreation Element describes existing open space and recreational facilities in town and aligns plans for future recreation and open space with project population needs.
  7. The Services and Facilities Element identifies existing and anticipated needs for public infrastructure and services.
  8. The Circulation and Transportation Element provides an inventory of existing and proposed transportation infrastructure and services across all modes including private cars, public transit, and bicycle and pedestrian routes.
  9. The Implementation section provides a blueprint and schedule for making the master plan a reality.